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Tanzania guest of honor was invited to participate in the 3rd Hunan (Yueyang) Port Economic and Trade Expo 2022
Reading times:600  Update time:2022-11-16

The 3rd Hunan (Yueyang) Port Economic and Trade Expo was held in Yueyang from November 10th to 14th, 2022. With the theme of "Prospering Port Economy, Promoting the Rise of Openness", this Expo aims to improve the port capacity, smooth the import and export of port products, strengthen the win-win cooperation between ports, make use of the advantages of ports to build a bridge of interconnection, intercommunication and mutual integration with the world, and promote the development of global economic integration. Representatives of African countries such as Tanzania and Ghana, RCEP member countries such as Laos, and diplomatic envoys to China, economic and trade delegations from 22 provinces and municipalities,  representatives of a number of domestic and overseas business associations and key enterprises attended the Expo.

Tanzania is one of the invited guests of honor to participate in the Yueyang Port Economic and Trade Expo. Weihai Huatan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. was entrusted by the Tanzanian Embassy to China to participate in the Expo with EACLC LIMITED. During the period, leaders of Department of Commerce of Hunan Province, Vice Chairman of Yueyang CPPCC, President of CCPIT and leaders of Weihai Municipal Bureau of Commerce visited the booth to guide the work.

The picture shows Vice Chairman of Yueyang CPPCC, President of CCPIT visiting the booth

The picture shows Zhang Liankai, director of Weihai Municipal Bureau of Commerce , visiting the booth

Weihai Huatan company is not only responsible for the construction of the image exhibition pavilion of Tanzania the guest of honor, but also introduces high-quality agricultural products from Tanzania, such as coffee, soybeans, cashews, cotton, sesame, red wine and Tanzanian gemstone to China consumers, making contribution to promoting the trade between Tanzania and even East Africa and China.

The picture shows Tanzania the guest of honor's pavilion

During the Expo, our booth attracted a lot of interest from enterprises and tourists, and many news media and TV stations including Hunan Satellite TV, Mango Live, Hunan Radio and Yueyang Daily came to interview us.

It is reported that Weihai Huatan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. has been deeply involved in the Tanzanian markets for more than ten years, and has invested in the construction of East Africa commercial and logistics center, overseas warehouse and overseas exhibition center in Dar es Salaam, as well as infrastructure facilities such as farms, processing plants and airport bonded warehousing and logistics park in Zanzibar Island. The company has ability to provide one-stop services such as warehousing, logistics and processing for China and Africa international trading companies, thus promoting the trade and business communication between China and Africa.

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